
The primary function of a delivery backend is to execute the code of the delivery channels. Unlike delivery channels, you can only use one delivery backend at the same time.


Install the optional Celery dependency with:

pip install django-notifs[celery]

Enable it by setting NOTIFICATIONS_DELIVERY_BACKEND to notifications.backends.Celery

Run celery with the command:

celery -A yourapp worker -l info -Q django_notifs

Whenever a notification is created, it’s automatically sent to celery and processed.

Make sure you see the queue and task (notifications.backends.celery.send_notification) in the terminal


If you have issues registering the task, you can import it manually or checkout the Celery settings in the repo.


Install the channels dependency with:

pip install django-notifs[channels]

This also installs channels_redis as an extra dependency

Declare the notifications consumer in

from notifications import consumers

application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
    'channel': ChannelNameRouter({
        'django_notifs': consumers.DjangoNotifsConsumer.as_asgi(),

This example assumes that you’re running Django 3x Which has native support for asgi. Check the channels documentation for Django 2.2

Next add the django_notifs channel layer to settings.CHANNEL_LAYERS:

    'django_notifs': {
        'BACKEND': 'channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer',
        'CONFIG': {
            "hosts": [('', 6379)],

Finally, run the worker with:

python runworker django_notifs


RQ is a lightweight alternative to Celery. To use the RQ Backend, install the optional dependency with:

pip install django-notifs[rq]

django notifs uses django-rq under the hood

Enable it by setting NOTIFICATIONS_DELIVERY_BACKEND to notifications.backends.RQ

Configure the django_notifs in

    'django_notifs': {
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': 6379,
        'DB': 0,
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 360,

Finally start the rq worker with:

python rqworker django_notifs --with-scheduler

See the django-rq documentation for more details


This is the default backend that sends notifications synchronously.

You can enable it explicitly by setting NOTIFICATIONS_DELIVERY_BACKEND to notifications.backends.Synchronous